Digital Poster
Brooklyn, NY 2021
Using type and collage to draw online readership of short passage:
Okay, so I made a insta story talking about hype up culture. Thing is I’ve been thinking about this for a long long time, and since posting have now heard from countless women/femmes who have been feeling the same way. So I’m calling out everyone, when you hype up your boys remember your girls/femmes/non-binary friends! Share this, share your story and share work because it’s something we gotta talk about. But boys I’m calling on you and asking you stand up and hype us up! We see you and need you to see us!
Digital Poster
Brooklyn, NY 2021
Using type and collage to draw online readership of short passage:
Okay, so I made a insta story talking about hype up culture. Thing is I’ve been thinking about this for a long long time, and since posting have now heard from countless women/femmes who have been feeling the same way. So I’m calling out everyone, when you hype up your boys remember your girls/femmes/non-binary friends! Share this, share your story and share work because it’s something we gotta talk about. But boys I’m calling on you and asking you stand up and hype us up! We see you and need you to see us!